What else have we discovered about digital programs and their formats
So far, we’ve discovered that most educators try to provide NFE using free (or low-cost) tools. Free online learning platforms, online meeting and conferencing tools, digital collaboration tools, and assessment and trivia tools are frequently used.
Independent of other tools, tools for online meetings and conferences are the most commonly used. Furthermore, many educators are at ease with using simple digital collaboration tools or tools for assessment and quizzes in conjunction with tools for online meetings. During the regional workshops, we learned that many educators try not to be too innovative (by introducing new tools) because this can divert a lot of time away from the actual program, and on top of that, not all apps are mobile-friendly—which poses an additional challenge for some participants because, as educators report, not all participants have laptops.
Surprisingly, only a small percentage of educators use other free online learning systems (including Moodle), and even fewer have their own.
Regardless of whether it is Human Rights Education or not, we attempted to discuss the optimal framework for digital learning programs with educators at our regional workshops. The simple answer to this somewhat complicated topic is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
Aside from that, many educators participated in discussions about ideal digital learning formats at our regional events. Some of the key findings are as follows:
– Educators recommend that digital formats be brief and to the point. In practice, they recommended digital forms that were no longer than 3 hours per day.
– They strongly advise balancing the amount of time spent using online collaboration and conferencing solutions if it is a multi-day course.
– Some of them suggested using additional materials before, during, and after the program, which should be read and completed by participants individually at the time that is most convenient for them.
Furthermore, a number of educators emphasized the feedback they receive from participants in various educational programs that they deliver, stating that many of them expect more networking opportunities. As a result, even if your online session is brief, it’s critical to remember to allow time for participants to network.
Last but not least, many educators and young people themselves emphasize the importance of developing an understanding of the optimal balance of digital and in-person activities in young people’s lives as we gradually exit lockdowns. Furthermore, a number of educators have expressed concern that not all HRE topics will be adequately addressed in the digital space.
CONNECT International believes that it is critical that educators understand the principles and foundations of HRE and are provided with resources, including examples of learning activities, so that they can assess learning needs and use a variety of opportunities to deliver online programs. We do, however, want to empower all educators to continue exploring digital solutions for delivering NF HRE, because digital is becoming the new normal, and we will see the development of new technologies and applications that will become an unavoidable part of young people’s lives in the coming years.
Table of Contents
1. What are human rights, and how do they apply in the digital world?
2. What is the significance of Human Rights Education (HRE)?
3. Why is investment in Digital Human Rights Education Important?
4. Ten key methodological foundations and learning approaches, and their digital application
5. What else have we discovered about digital programs and their formats
6. The Digital HRE Education Flow
7. Activities for Digital Learning
8. Developing, delivering, and following up on a training program