Support and practice exchange



Educ@te Support and practice exchange system is composed of trainers and educators. You can simply contact them via our platform by filling out the form with your question, and you will soon get an answer from one of them.

Feel free to ask anything regarding the implementation of online HRE learning sessions linked with methodology, tools, knowledge, and skills needed for its implementation.

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Would the efficiency of digital education on human rights be the same as offline education??

Digital/online HR education can be as effective as in-person one if it is implemented in an interactive, engaging manner. Online HR education has a potential to reach large number of young people who usually would not have opportunity to participate in in-person educational activities.

Is online education about human rights more flexible and impactful that the "real-world" one?

Both online and in-person HR education have their pros and cons. Online education can be easily accessed, it requires less resources to conduct, it is more cost-effective and can potentially reach huge number of young people. So if conducted properly it can be more flexible and impactful that in-person education.

Are learning resources on this webpage free to use?

YES. You can use the results of the research and learning package available on the Educ@te platform conpletely free of charge.