Activities for Digital Learning - Continued
Watching movies and documentaries can be quite useful, especially if they help you start discussions. However, because you’re sharing them online, you may encounter some technical difficulties. Our advice is that if you do use them, use them wisely and don’t let them take over the program. You must choose the appropriate length, but it should not run longer than 10-15 minutes in total, otherwise you risk losing your participants’ interest, or even some of them. Dropping out of digital learning activities is easier than you think.
You could also use creating internet content as a learning activity. This can cover either basic activities, such as creating GIFs and MEMEs, which can be done through dedicated platforms, or use more complicated softwares to develop various types of content, which would require a higher level of digital skills from participants. Aside from that, you can always ask participants to create blogs, video newscasts, podcasts, and social media posts – all of which are considered to be forms of internet content creation. Keep in mind that participants may lack extensive digital skills, so the level of assignments should be adjusted accordingly.
Virtual tours, for example, can be used to explore different locations. You can obtain licenses for various virtual spaces (such as conference spaces, etc.) and then create a collection of other learning activities that can be accessed via a single tour. You can also use simpler tools, such as Google maps, to explore locations that may be relevant to a discussion topic, in conjunction with additional sources and materials. Another example is the use of virtual reality (VR); however, this would require participants to have VR equipment, which is still a rather costly investment for many people at this time.
If you have your own learning platform, you can use a variety of options and tools to keep participants engaged as both learners and creators, depending on the platform. If you have a Moodle platform, for example, you can invite participants to share their own biographies, stories, or create different types of content and upload it; but you can also assign them tasks and allow them to collaborate through different collaborative tools.

Table of Contents
1. What are human rights, and how do they apply in the digital world?
2. What is the significance of Human Rights Education (HRE)?
3. Why is investment in Digital Human Rights Education Important?
4. Ten key methodological foundations and learning approaches, and their digital application
5. What else have we discovered about digital programs and their formats
6. The Digital HRE Education Flow
7. Activities for Digital Learning
8. Developing, delivering, and following up on a training program