The EDUC@TE guide
Welcome to our Guide for educators and trainers working in Human Rights (Non-Formal) Education!

You’ve come to the right place if you’ve been struggling with designing and delivering educational activities online or if you’re simply looking for more inspiration in your work!
CONNECT International has been working on developing this guide for educators and trainers on delivering human rights education online with the financial support of the European Youth Foundation. This guide was created based on the findings of a CONNECT survey of 201 educators and trainers from across Europe, as well as consultation with a few groups of educators who participated in Educ@ate international activities!
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Table of Contents
1. What are human rights, and how do they apply in the digital world?
2. What is the significance of Human Rights Education (HRE)?
3. Why is investment in Digital Human Rights Education Important?
4. Ten key methodological foundations and learning approaches, and their digital application
5. What else have we discovered about digital programs and their formats
6. The Digital HRE Education Flow
7. Activities for Digital Learning
8. Developing, delivering, and following up on a training program